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bmi calculator

BMI calculator female: Here’s everything you need to know

Q 1 > BMI is commonly used to find one’s weight

bmi calculator

Body Mass Index (BMI) is a widely used tool to assess an individual’s body weight in relation to their height, providing a numerical value that categorises individuals into different weight status groups. While BMI is a commonly discussed metric, there are certain facts that every woman should be aware of to better understand its limitations and implications.MORE BLOG

Q 2 > What is BMI?​

BMI is calculated by dividing a person’s weight in kilograms by the square of their height in metres. BMI categories are generally as follows:

Underweight: BMI less than 18.5

Normal weight: BMI 18.5 to 24.9

Overweight: BMI 25 to 29.9

Obesity: BMI 30 or greater

​Q 3 >Use BMI as a screening tool, not for diagnosis​

BMI is best used as a screening tool to identify individuals who may need further assessment. It is not a diagnostic tool and should be complemented with additional health measures and professional guidance for a comprehensive understanding of one’s health status.

​Q 4 >BMI does not differentiate between muscle and fat​

One crucial limitation of BMI is that it doesn’t distinguish between muscle and fat. As muscle is denser than fat, a person with a higher muscle mass may fall into the overweight or even obese category despite being physically fit. This is particularly relevant for women who engage in strength training or other forms of exercise that build lean muscle

Q 5 >BMI varies as per age and gender​

BMI does not consider age or gender-specific differences. Women may experience changes in body composition with age, and these changes are not reflected in a static BMI value. It’s important to recognize that what is considered a healthy BMI might vary for different age groups and genders.health

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